Check out! . Save energy. Save money. Get paid for saving! Set up is as simple as connecting your utility account. I'm participating 1 or 2 hours a week and my bill has already gone down about $20!
Just the fact that I'm more mindful of my carbon footprint is an awesome thing, but getting rewarded for it is icing on the cake!
Here's the dashboard. As you can see, you can earn extra by connecting your smart devices, they also serve a helpful purpose, because they can help you save more energy when you set it up to automatically turn off power during ohm hours. You can add the phone numbers of people in your household, so they get notified when an ohm hour is scheduled, so they can also help out by turning things off,. You don't even have to be home to bark at your teen when they constantly leave all the lights on!
I have an offer to purchase a smart meter through their website. I can get half off now, and once I connect it to the website (and get an extra 500 for doing so) they will credit me the other half, making it free!
You have a busy life! In the settings, you can change when you are willing to participate. You can also choose between one and four times a week. Change this anytime you need to, but you need to give them 24 hours notice, and before you get an email that an OHour is scheduled the next day.
You get tokens for completing different tasks along with points. Use them to opt out of an OHour, spin the wheel to win prizes, make your next OHour worth double, etc.
Overall this company makes being more Green really fun. You can join a team in your community, or start your own. If you feel like doing more for the world, you can also donate the money that you earn to charity. I think that's really awesome that they gave us the option.
Cash out by paypal, donate, send points to referrals or teammates, or a gift card to Ohm Connect's store. When you redeem for a gift card, they round UP to the nearest 10 whole dollar. So even if you have, say 2001 points, they will round up to $30.
Everything about this website makes me feel good! You know when sites are trying to take advantage of you, profit off you, trick you into things, or just make things seem too good to be true. I don't get that vibe at all with this company. It's just perk after perk.
Check out them out for yourself, and connect your utility account if you decide you want to participate and start earning. It's free to join and free to participate